​Basic Bikini $35
Bikini Plus. $45
Brazilian Bikini $65
​Eyebrows $20
Lip/Chin/Nose/Toes $10
Full Face $50
Underarms $25
Full Arms $45
Half Arms $25
Inner Thigh $25
Half Leg $50
Service Descriptions
Basic Bikini is removal of any hair that pops out of a standard bikini bottom
Bikini Plus is a great happy medium between Basic/Brazilian
Full Brazilian Bikini is every nook and cranny
Planning and Preparation
First we recommend the area be clean. In order for waxing to be successful, the hair needs to be a
minimum of a quarter of an inch or 10-14 days of hair growth. This rule of thumb especially applies
to first timers who have a history of shaving.
If you are hungover, tired, under the weather or on your cycle you will be more sensitive during this
time perhaps.. you want to pick a happier time to get waxed.
Shaving in between waxing will interrupt the growth cycle, making you more prone to ingrown hairs
and make your next waxing experience not so pleasant.
Please do let your therapist know if you have been on any skin medications i.e.
(Retin-A, Accutane, topical prescription creams) Chemical Peel, Microdermabrasion, or diabetic.
Once we are all good to go...breathe and relax to create a softer body and you will soon see the
experience isn't so bad after all.
is a tidy hair is removed from the sides and scrotum area.

full frontal tidy all hair is removed from the front, backside, shaft and scrotum

Full frontal only

Get Cheeky
removes hair from the butt cheeks and in between.

Eyebrow Clean Up $20
Neck Wax $15
Nostrils $10
Neck &Shoulders $25
Half Back $25
Full Back $65
Chest $35
Abs/Stomach $25
Half Arms $25
Full Arms $45
Inner Thigh $25
Half Legs $50
Feet or Toes $15
Hands or Knuckles $15
Ears $15